Rugby Touch tournament


Saturday 29 July 2017 in Cortellazzo fun and solidarity merge in "Una Meta per Gianca", an initiative of the "La Colonna" Association to collect funds for research on spinal lesions.

The Association was founded in 2001 and in 2005 it became an ONLUS (Non-profit Organisation), whose objective is to draw the attention  of the public institutions and opinion on the invalidating problem of spinal cord lesions.

The main event of the day is the "Rugby Touch" tournament, without tackles or scrummages, in which everyone can participate (women, men, and children), and there will also be alternative activities.

From 7.30 p.m. "Terzo Tempo Party", where aperitif, dinner, music, and many guests among which players of the Italian National Rugby Team, will be waiting for you. The party is open to everyone.

The event starts from 2.30 p.m. on.

 (449.94 KB)Programme of the event (449.94 KB).
 (1.23 MB)Presentation of the Association "La Colonna ONLUS" (1.23 MB).

Formore information:

Mobile: 349/8723928

A touch down for Gianca website.
La Colonna - Associazione Lesioni Spinali Onlus website.

Source: Communication office at the Jesolo Townhall
Email: comunicazione@comune.jesolo.ve.it

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