Shows for all ages

Music and art are the main themes of the events organised by Comitato Milano to entertain tourists and residents during summer 2017.


28 May - Pizzica, dance show


2 June - Coccole all'anima


9 June - Coccole all'anima


11 June - Motogiro, static motorbike rally


17 June - Max Dance Academy


18 June - Concert of the Bersaglieri corps fanfare L. Pellas


19 June - Tagliapietra & Marton in concert


20 June – Adriatic Sea Festival


22 June - Giovedì Giovani, Barbaranella

 (340.33 KB)playbill (340.33 KB).

23 June - Concert of Monteverdi music school students


24 June - Presentation of Giorgia Miazzo’s book


25 June - Mattew Allen show


29 June - Giovedì Giovani, Quarto Vuoto

 (340.33 KB)playbill (340.33 KB).

30 June - Live music


7 July - Miss Venice Beach


8 July - Majorettes parade


9 July - Ashville College in concert


9 July - Coccole all’anima, Bagno Sonoro


13 July – Show with the orchestra I Rodigini


15 July - Andrea Valeri, Heatstrokes

 (248.81 KB)playbill (248.81 KB).

17 July - Accordi Disaccordi in concert

 (1.04 MB)playbill (1.04 MB).

19 July - Theatre show with the company Teatro dei Pazzi


25 July - Jennifer Phillips in concert

 (252.55 KB)playbill (252.55 KB).

29 and 30 July - Dire, Fare, Vegan


1 August - Matteo Sansonetto in concert

 (226.96 KB)playbill (226.96 KB).

3 August - The Zoo

 (180.44 KB)playbill (180.44 KB).

4 August - Giovedì Giovani, Syncage

 (340.33 KB)playbill (340.33 KB).

7 August - Coccole dell’anima, Bagno Sonoro


8 August - Magical Mystery

 (321.98 KB)playbill (321.98 KB).

12 August - Max Dance Academy


17 August - Giovedì Giovani, Heatstrokes

 (340.33 KB)playbill (340.33 KB).

18 August - Folklore International Festival


22 August - Oltre l'Eden live music


23 August – Theatre show with the company Teatro dei pazzi


25 August – Entertainment show


1 September - Giovedì Giovani

 (340.33 KB)playbill (340.33 KB).

5 September - Arcobaleno Choir show


6 September - Coccole dell’anima, Bagno Sonoro


23 September – Vintage cars rally

 (207.03 KB)Detailed events calendar (207.03 KB).
 (62.86 KB)Playbill (62.86 KB).

The shows will start at 9.15 p.m.
Free entrance

For more information  


Source: Ufficio Comunicazione del Comune di Jesolo

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