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Jesolo Dance Festival, at its VI edition, will take place from 8 to 15 July 2017 at the Palacornaro in via Martin Luther King.

The course, which includes the participation of internationally famous teachers such as Sabrina Brazzo, Andrea Volpintesta, Martino Muller, Fredy Franzutti, Stefania Pacifico, Denis Bragatto, Mia Molinari, and Damiano Bisozzi, is articulated in various specialities  divided among classic, repertoire, modern, contemporary, and musical lessons, choreographic workshop, theatre game, and stage presence.

In addition, at the amphitheatre of piazza Aurora:

  • 8 July at 9:00 p.m., opening day of the Festival, the amphitheatre will host the final of the Vetrina Giovani Compagnie Emergenti competition, whose registrations are still open. The winner of the competition will have the opportunity to teach in the 2018 edition of the Festival. The winner’s dance school will open the next edition and the choreography that will be proclaimed winner will be hosted, in March 2018, in Argenta, on occasion of the second edition of the Talenti alla Ribalta competition;
  • 11 July at 9:00 p.m. the Studio Danza Quarto Movimento school, winner of the 2016 edition of the Vetrina Giovani Compagnie Competition will perform;
  • 13 July at 9:00 p.m. a Canadian folk group will perform;
  • 15 July at 9:00 p.m. the final gala of the trainees will take place.

Source: Communication office at the townhall 
e-mail comunicazione@comune.jesolo.ve.it

Comune di Jesolo
via Sant'Antonio 11, 30016 Jesolo (VE) - P.I./C.F. 00608720272
Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico: 0421 359111 - Fax: 0421 359360 - Email: urp@comune.jesolo.ve.it -
PEC: comune.jesolo@legalmail.it