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Sunday 31 May piazza Torino hosts the27th edition of the Flower Festival, which opens the summer season with the beauty and pureness of the blossoms, with garden plants pervaded with the scents of spring.
The exhibition market is open from 8.30 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Scheduled during the programme of the day entertainment and animation.


Pro Loco di Jesolo

Via S. Antonio 11
Tel.:+39 0421 359321 (Wednesday and Friday 9 a.m.-12 p.m.)
Fax:+39 0421 359134


Source: Ufficio Comunicazione del Comune di Jesolo
E-mail: comunicazione@comune.jesolo.ve.it

Comune di Jesolo
via Sant'Antonio 11, 30016 Jesolo (VE) - P.I./C.F. 00608720272
Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico: 0421 359111 - Fax: 0421 359360 - Email: urp@comune.jesolo.ve.it -
PEC: comune.jesolo@legalmail.it