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17th edition


The City of Jesolo will celebrate the magic of Christmas with Jesolo Sand Nativity 2018. This year dedicated to the Stories of the Bible, the fascinating and enthralling sandmanger-scene attracts thousands of visitors from all over the world. The episodes narrated in the Bible are reproduced in exciting monumental sculptures such as the story of Adam and Eve, the first people on earth and their original sin, the wisdom of King Salomon, the courage of Davide against Goliath, the prophet Daniel, Moses and the 10 commandments, to end the itinerary with a glorious Nativity, the same that this year will be proposed in St. Peter’s Square- heart of Christianity. Every year, for its realisation, are involved some of the best sand sculptors at international level, masters in recreating the authentic Christmas spirit. The background of the sand sculptures  are perspective views painted by the American artist Damon Farmer, which immerse the visitors in the atmosphere of the period.


Some technical data:
exhibition area of 470 sqm
1000 m3 (about 1500 tons) of sand used
Sculptors at work from 15 to 25 November
…over 100,000 visitors at each edition

The manger-scene can be visited in piazza Marconi, from 2 December 2018 to 10 February 2019. 
Free entrance

Opening hours

  • from Monday to Saturday:  9.30-12.30 and 14.30-19.30
  • Sunday and holidays: all day opening from 9.30-19.30
  • Period from 23 December to 6 January: al day opening 9.30-19.30

Guided tours

Guided tours BOOKING at 334 6232066
from Monday to Friday
Price € 25 - max 25 people
Duration 20 minutes

The tours are not held on Saturday, Sunday, and holidays and the period from 23 December to 6 January


The sculptors

  • Richard Varano, artistic director
  • Damon Farmer (USA)
  • David Ducharme (CANADA)
  • Baldrick Buckle (HOLLAND)
  • Pedro Mira (PORTUGAL)
  • Michela Ciappini (ITALY)
  • Marielle Heessels (HOLLAND)
  • Charlotte Koster (HOLLAND)
  • Pavel Mylnikov (RUSSIA)
  • Hanneke Supply (BELGIUM)
  • Helena Bangert (HOLLAND)


Since  2004, Sand Nativity has been associated with a solidarity project: up to today 24 localities in 4 continents have benefitted from the projects realised thanks to the contribution of the Sand Nativity visitors.


Special stamp cancellation postmark

On 29 December and 5 January , for the philately enthusiasts, in the bookshop area of the sand manger-scene of Jesolo there will be a space for the stamp cancellation postmark dedicated to Jesolo Sand Nativity.



The main parking areas and places available are signalled on luminous panels, that can be found at the main access points of the city. The sand manger-scene is reachable by foot from the parking area Emma Gramatica (on the homonymous street), Drago parking area(ground floor and basement), Firenze parking area,and from the on-street parking spaces along via del Carabiniere.
See the map


Free shuttle service

For the entire Christmas Holidays period there will be a free shuttle service that connects the great Christmas attractions of Jesolo.
Shuttle service hours


Jesolo Sand Nativity in Rome

This year, the skill of the sand sculptors can be admired also in the sand Manger-scene that will be prepared in piazza San Pietro (St. Peter’s Square) in Rome, a spectacular sand manger-scene in the heart of Christianity.
Follow the event on www.jesolosandnativity.it


Fonte: Ufficio Comunicazione del Comune di Jesolo
e-mail: comunicazione@comune.jesolo.ve.it

Segui Città di Jesolo:

Comune di Jesolo
via Sant'Antonio 11, 30016 Jesolo (VE) - P.I./C.F. 00608720272
Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico: 0421 359111 - Fax: 0421 359360 - Email: urp@comune.jesolo.ve.it -
PEC: comune.jesolo@legalmail.it