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Solidarity aperitif

The Gruppo Missionario Bedanda Onlus, in collaboration with the Consorzio Veneto Chioschi, organises Spritz for Africa: on Friday 3 August all the kiosks along the coast will donate a percentage of their revenues to the Gruppo Missionario Bedanda to support projects in Guinea Bissau.

To participate, just drink a Spritz!

A concert by the Aurora Wind Band will take place at the end of the event in piazza Aurora at 20:45, with the possibility of admiring the typical products from Guinea Bissau.


For more information
Gruppo Missionario Bedanda Onlus at the Parrocchia Sacro Cuore di Gesù

Source: Communication Office at the townhall
e-mail comunicazione@comune.jesolo.ve.it

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