Singing and dancing international festival


From 10 to 14 September 2018 piazza Aurora will host the eleventh edition of Festival Internazionale delle Arti "Orfeo in Italia", singing and dancing festival for children and young people that brings a message of peace and friendship among populations.
The kermesse will animate piazza Aurora with colours, voices, music, and dances from all over the world to end with the prize-giving ceremony during the final evening.



The event is held under the High Patronage of the Vice President of the Republic of Bulgaria, Her Excellency Iliana Iotova.

NOTE: In case of bad weather the shows will be held at A.Vivaldi Theatre in via del Bersagliere, at Lido di Jesolo.

 (314.48 KB)Playbill (314.48 KB).

For more information
Associazione I.T.A.C.A.
Viale Appiani, 13 - 31100
Tel. 0422 234907 - 346 4000099
Email: associazioneitaca@tin.it


Source: Communication Office at the townhall
e-mail comunicazione@comune.jesolo.ve.it

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